A few weekends ago, Austin got to experience his first swim in Mama and Papa's pool. He was not a big fan. Full of goose bumps, and not quite sure what to think.... thank goodness daddy knows how to make it all okay.
It's been a while since we've made a post. Our Internet connection is on the fritz. These are all shots from the last couple days. We've run 10 miles this week.0000000000kkkkkk0 Belly Time!
The blue eyes came from both Jim's and ,,,,,,,;;;;;;,, LeAnna's dads genes I guess you can say Austin got his "blue genes" from his grandpas.
Daddy knows how to get Austin laughing!
A big man in a little hat nnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhnnnnJim's newest project
The Fergusons, expecting a baby girl, have been collecting items. They passed along this bouncer. We think that he's too young for it but is he's tall enough.
We often find Brady sleeping for hours on one of the changing tables. In this case I was getting Austin ready to go to the sitters and needed to change his clothes. The funny part is, despite being rudely wakened and kicked repeatedly, Brady was purring.
Boston and Brady were both forced to go to the vet this morning. This is a traumatizing event for both, so we rewarded them both with some quality time spent outside on a beautiful day. Of course, later when we went running with the baby in the jogging stroller, it was not so beautiful when it rained on us!