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Friday, December 26, 2008

Snow Day

The last day of school before Christmas break was a snow day for every kid in the city. I also happened to have the day off, so Jana and the kids came over and spent most of the day with us. We played hard and baked lots of goodies. I am pretty sure I gained 5 pounds in one day eating Jana's peanut butter cookie dough.
Kaleb was relaxing.

Kaden was playing with the Wii

Kassie was entertaining Austin (bless her)

Cute Kesa (who is 13 now!) gave us some good music to listen to

Jana baked! Here's the finished product, chocolate covered Ritz (highly recommended), peanut butter cookies (fabulous dough) and the potatoes were about to be mashed for dinner

Mark came over after work and did some research online.

The happy couple (who lives in this house?)

Finally daddy came home and my boys had a rest together.

Snow days can even tire out a kitty

Or two...

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